o avô palin

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Michael Palin, sessenta e três anos desde sexta-feira, mestre de sempre e para sempre, vai partir ainda este mês para mais uma série de passeios, desta vez atravessando a Nova Europa, para chegar aos ecrãs da BBC no outono do ano que vem. No mail que enviou para nos avisar disto, o Palin aproveita para falar sobre um assunto que vem sendo discutido,

I hope you regular and faithful followers of the website will be making plans for more travels yourselves. There's much talk these days about the cost to the environment of our insatiable urge to move around. My view is that until the aeroplane is dis-invented then we should continue to use it to learn more about our world. But you know my personal view by now. Simply flying to a resort which looks just like home and learning and absorbing nothing of the country you're in IS a waste, not only of the world's resources, but also your own brain. Please travel but use this precious privilege (available only to a tiny minority in the world) to try and understand, appreciate, value and enjoy how other people live. Only in this way can we who love travel, go some way to reducing the well of anger and resentment which motivates those few, but influential people, who don't want us to get to know each other.,

e eu completamente subscrevo. RC

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