the sunday format #3

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(one woman and her dog
this week, alison verity, financial analist with chase devere bank)

what is the name of your dog?
i don't own a dog
what breed of dog is it?
as i said, i don't actually own a dog
why do you prefer dogs to cats?
i think dogs have more warmth of personality but, to be honest, i don't have strong views either way
if you had to compare your dog to an actual human person, who would it be, and why?
i don't own a dog
what role does your dog fulfil in your life, both practically and emotionally?
i'm going to skip this question as it doesn't apply to me for fairly obvious reasons
what are the main difficulties you face in your working life?
the financial markets are notoriously volatile and working for a massive organization such as chase i would say that the principal challenge is to find a metodology that combines the stability and long term planning expected of such companies with the flexibility, decisiveness and speed of reaction needed to make any significant impact in the prevailing trading conditions
does your dog help you with that?
no, dogs have no understanding of the complex rules governing stocks, bonds and mutual funds, and i don't own a dog
what do your friends and family think of your dog?
not much
do you have any funny stories about your dog?

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